"But God will deliver them from the evil of that Day, and will shed over them a Light of Beauty and (blissful) Joy." — Holy Qur'an 76:11
Transliteration and Literal Translation of Pir Hasan Kabirdin's Anant Akhado
Āshāji | kaljugmā(n)hē bahu pākha(n)d vāpiyā sati koi virlā hosēji kālingo dānav tap kari āvyā tē krodh mukhē khoi jāyē Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | In the present age deceivers and cheaters thrive There will be very few righteous and courageous souls The evil enemy has come in the disguise of worship and has lured many souls away from the path Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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Āshāji | kaljugmā(n)hē aghor pāp vartyā tismā(n)hē āpku(n) rākhoji jo jāno navsā bhētu(n) to ginan vichārinē chālo Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | In the present age dreadful sins have spread In it please take care and protect yourself If you desire to know and be one with the Lord walk upon the path by reflecting upon the ginans (Divine knowledge) Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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Āshāji | ta(m)bal dhadhāmā bhēriyu(n) vājē vājē tē vāji(n)tra ghanērāji sarag marat paiyāraj ka(m)pē sarvanē padshē āvāj Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | Small drums, big drums tom tom instruments will make sounds and they will make lots of music The heavens, the earth and the underground will shake All of them will feel the sound Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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Āshāji | khadag kudarati apurav chhājē nar Kāsamshāh vāeji pā(n)ch nadi ran khetra mulastān rachēsē tyā(n) dai(n)t kalingānē ghāesē Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | The rare natural sword will be in use at the behest of Imam Kasim Shah The battlefield will be at Multaan (symbol of mind or soul) where five rivers (sense perceptions) meet There he will sweep the satanic demon (lower self) Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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Āshāji | dharamjug kirtār rachēsē anē pāpnē dur chukāvēji amē didāri kēshav kērā duārē shāh sadāyā Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | The Creator will establish the age of True Religion, i.e., of truth, virtue, peace and happiness and will annhilate all the sins We murids longing for or having the deedar of the Lord will always be at the doorstep of the Imam Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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Āshāji | mulas chok shāh takhtēj bēsasē rāmrāj tyā(n) dēshēji vishnav rupē vishvā var dēshē imām rupē fal dēshē Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | In the courtyard of Multan the Lord will be seated on His throne Shri Raam will rule the world from there In the form of Vishnu He will grant bounties and protection to the world In the form of Imam He will grant rewards (fruits) Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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Āshāji | jyā(n) jēm māngo tyā(n) tēm varsē satgur ghēr āna(n)dji ghēr rakhisarnē vadhāmnā hoyasē trutho gopivar govind Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | Where and in whatever form you ask for so you will be rewarded In the house of the True Guide there will be a lot of bliss and happiness And in the homes of the momins there will be happiness Lord Krishna, the Lord when pleased is extremely generous Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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Āshāji | parav sa(m)puran nārāyan thāpēyā aj so mahādin āyāji jēnē sujātā tēnē var pāyā andhlē janam harāyā Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | The Lord has assumed the final Manifestation Today is the day of reckoning Those who have recognised Him, have got Him or are blessed to be His followers (are with Him) The blind ones (those who have not recognised) have indeed wasted their birth (incarnation) Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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Āshāji | dasmē(n) pātra nakla(n)ki nārāyān mahāvar hār paranshēji satgur sohodēv jēnē jivē jāniyā tē jiv lakhiyā vaiku(n)th vās Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | The Tenth Vessel (Manifestation) is the pure, perfect and spotless Lord (Imam of the time) The Lord, the greater Bestower (and Protector) will wed (with every pure soul and enter into their hearts) Whoever recognises Satgur Sohodev (Pir Sadardin) will be in permanently in paradise Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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Āshāji | savālākh kaljugmāhē bhogvē pachhi amrāpuri paho(n)chēji amar māniyā tē amrāpuri pahotā tē didāri shāhnā sādāya Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | 125,000 (souls) make sacrifices in the present age then they will attain paradise Those who obeyed the commands (Farmans) attained paradise they will always (permanently) remain the Lord's deedaaree Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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Āshāji | parav sa(m)puran nārāyanē thapiyā Pir Hasanshah tatav vichāriyāji jēnē sujātā tēnē var pāyā bhetiyā tatav didār Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | The Lord has assumed the final manifestation Pir Hassan Shah has reflected upon the reality Whoever has recognised this fact has obtained bounties and protection (from the Lord) and has been blessed with the essence of the Deedaar (spiritual vision) Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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Āshāji | bār karodnā bharen bhrāviyā sohi gur tam ghēr āyāji manmā(n)hē kachhuk motāi āni to ani lodhāni bhi(n)t Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
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Oh Lord | He fulfilled the eternal wishes of twelve crore souls The same Guide (Pir Sadardin) has come to your home In his mind he had a minor sense of haughtiness and so he had the iron wall in front of him (preventing him to receive the Deedar) Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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