"And those who believe in Allah and His messengers, they are the loyal, and the martyrs are with their Lord; they have their reward and their light." — Holy Qur'an 57:19
Transliteration and Literal Translation of Pir Hasan Kabirdin's Anant Akhado
Āshāji | sa(m)bharo momano gurji kahē chhē Pir Hasan Kabirdin tēnu(n) nāmji gur vachanē tē pā(n)dav chālyā tē nām rahyā rahēmān Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
313 |
Oh Lord | Listen momins the Guide (teacher) admonishes his name is Peer Hassan Kabirdin The Paandwas acted upon the commands of the Guru and mercy prevailed upon them Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
313 |
Āshāji | gurnā kahiyā jē jiv na karshē tē thāshē korvāni jodji jātē dahādē khotā padshē tē jāshē ghor a(n)dhār Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
314 |
Oh Lord | The soul that does not follow the commands (admonitions) of the Guide will become the companion of the Korvas In the days to come it will become false and will go to utter darkness Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
314 |
Āshāji | gur ka(n)thi ka(n)thi ginān sunāyā momanēku(n) chētāyāji karo hushiyāri chi(n)tā rākho zikar karo morābhāI Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
315 |
Oh Lord | The Guide continuously explained the ginans and made them heard and warned the momins so become intelligent and be alert be in constant remembrance (of the Lord) my brethren Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
315 |
Āshāji | hamhi suzātā hamē nar pāyā momanēku(n) bhēd batāyāji pa(n)th mārag satnā ālyā ālyā athar vēd Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
316 |
Oh Lord | We have recognised so we have got the Husband (Lord) and we showed the purpose and essence to the momins We gave them the true Exalted Path and gave them the fourth ved (The Holy Qur'an) Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
316 |
Āshāji | rug jujar shāmaj gayā athar tano thyo vāroji musalmāni shāh rup dekhādyā ādē āvyā Aly sohi Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
317 |
Oh Lord | The Lord sang a poem (alluding to Holy Qur'an) and it was the forth time that He did it The Lord revealed himself in the Muslim form and it is indeed Ali who was present at the beginning Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
317 |
Āshāji | musalmāni rup shāh dēkhadyā dēkhē sarvē sa(n)sārji moman jivu(n)nē rup dēkhadyā nar avtār ilāhi Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
318 |
Oh Lord | The Lord revealed himself in the Muslim form so that the world may see Him To the momin souls he revealed his (inner) nature which is the Divine Manifestation of the Lord Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
318 |
Āshāji | kaljugmāhē kahi(n) pākha(n)d thāshē thāshē tē khotā khotji e takhatē jē nar bēsē tēnē srēvo morābhāI Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
319 |
Oh Lord | In the present era many a deceiver will crop up and there will be only deceivers and deceivers (always) Whichever personage seats on the (Holy) Throne serve (worship) Him my brethren Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
319 |
Āshāji | mahēr karo morā sāmi manmā(n)hē mayā karoji jiv varagyā tē tamārā jāno dejo tēnē didar Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
320 |
Oh Lord | Have mercy my Lord and have mercy in Your heart (mind) Those souls that have held our hands are yours bestow them your Deedar (spiritual enlightenment) Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
320 |
Āshāji | dio didar mahēraj rākho daya āno hiyāriji kaljug khota tē sarvēi khota tēmā(n) hāthinu(n) dainē ugāro Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
321 |
Oh Lord | Grant us the Spiritual Vision and have mercy upon us Have pity, Oh the lover of the heart The present era is false and everything is false by giving us your hand (helping us) save us from it Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
321 |
Āshāji | mahēr karo tamē morā sāmi nav chhugāni pāgh vichāroji hāthinu(n) dainē ugāro morā sāmi tārie tāranhār Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
322 |
Oh Lord | Have mercy my Lord reflect upon the turban with nine tussles By giving us Your hand save us my Lord Oh Saviour save us Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
322 |
Āshāji | mahēr kari tamē tāro morā sāmi tārie nar tu(n)hiji sāhēr thai tamē moti nipāyā tēm tamē rākho mahēr Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
323 |
Oh Lord | Have mercy and save us my Lord You are the Saviour Husband (Master) By becoming the ocean you created the pearls in the same manner maintain your mercy Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
323 |
Āshāji | moti hirā sab tērē hāth sif mā(n)hē samānāji satki mahērē moti nipāyā jot thai rahēmān Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
324 |
Oh Lord | Pearls or diamonds are in your hands all are contained in silence The mercy of the truth created pearls and the light was regarded as the mercy Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
324 |
Āshāji | jot tamāri jab so hovē tab so hovē hirāji mātānā thān so morēthi āvē pachhē āvē so bāl Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
325 |
Oh Lord | When your light is present then they become diamonds The breasts of the mother come first then follows the child Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
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