"Allah guideth him who seeketh His good pleasure unto paths of peace. He bringeth them out of darkness unto light by His decree, and guideth them unto a straight path." — Holy Qur'an 5:16
001: Faatihah (The Opening)
002: Baqarah (The Cow)
003: 'Aali-'Imraan (The Family of 'Imraan)
004: Nisaaa' (Women)
005: Maaa-'idah (The Table Spread)
006: 'An-'aam (Cattle)
007: 'A'-raaf (The Heights)
008: 'Anfaal (Spoils of War)
009: Tawbah (Repentance)
010: Yuunus (Jonah)
011: Huud (Hud)
012: Yusuuf (Joseph)
013: Ra'd (The Thunder)
014: 'Ibraahiim (Abraham)
015: 'Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract)
016: Nahl (The Bee)
017: Baniii-'Is-raaa-'iil (The Children of 'Israel)
018: Kahf (The Cave)
019: Maryam (Mary)
020: Taa-Haa (Ta-Ha)
021: 'A'mbiyaaa' (The Prophets)
022: Hajj (The Pilgrimage)
023: Mu'-minuun (The Believers)
024: Nuur (Light)
025: Furqaan (The Criterion of Right and Wrong)
026: Shu-'araaa' (The Poets)
027: Naml (The Ant)
028: Qasas (The Story)
029: 'Ankabuut (The Spider)
030: Ruum (Romans)
031: Luqmaan (Luqman)
032: Sajdah (The Prostration)
033: 'Ahzaab (The Clans)
034: Saba' (Saba)
035: Faatir (The Angels)
036: Yaa-Shiiin (Ya Sin)
037: Saaaffaat (Those Who Set The Ranks)
038: Saaad (Saad)
039: Zumar (The Troops)
040: Mu'min (The Believer)
041: Fussilat (They are Expounded)
042: Shuurah (Counsel)
043: Zukhruf (Ornaments of Gold)
044: Dukhaan (Smoke)
045: Jaasiyah (Crouching)
046: 'Ahqaaf (The Wind-Curved Sandhills)
047: Muhammad (Muhammad)
048: Fat-h (Victory)
049: Hujuraat (The Private Apartments)
050: Qaaaf (Qaf)
051: Zaarayaat (The Winnowing Winds)
052: Tuur (The Mount)
053: Najm (The Star)
054: Qamar (The Moon)
055: Rahmaan (The Benficent)
056: Waaqi-'ah (The Event)
057: Hadiid (Iron)
058: Majaadalah (She That Disputeth)
059: Hashr (Exile)
060: Mumtahanah (She That Is To Be Examined)
061: Saff (The Ranks)
062: Jumu-'ah (The Congregation)
063: Munaafiquun (The Hypocrites)
064: Tagaabun (Mutual Disillusion)
065: Talaaq (Divorce)
066: Tahriim (Banning)
067: Mulk ulk (The Sovereignty)
068: Qalam (The Pen)
069: Haaaqqah (The Reality)
070: Ma-'aarij (The Asending Stairways)
071: Nuuh (Noah)
072: Jinn (The Jinn)
073: Muzzammil (The Enshrouded One)
074: Muddassir (The Cloaked One)
075: Qiyaamah (The Rising of the Dead)
076: 'Insaan or Dahr (Time or Man)
077: Mursalaat (The Emissaries)
078: Naba' (The Tidings)
079: Naazi-'aat (Those Who Drag Forth)
080: 'Abasa (He Frowned)
081: Takwiir (The Overthrowing)
082: 'Infitaar (The Cleaving)
083: Tatfiif (Defrauding)
084: 'Inshiqaaq (The Sundering)
085: Buruuj (The Mansions of the Stars)
086: Taariq (The Morning Star)
087: 'A'-laa (The Most High)
088: Gaashiyah (The Overwhelming)
089: Fajr (The Dawn)
090: Balad (The City)
091: Shams (The Sun)
092: Layl (The Night)
093: Zuhaa (The Morning Hours)
094: 'Inshiraah (Solace)
095: Tiin (The Fig)
096: 'Alaq (The Cloth)
097: Qadr (Power)
098: Bayyinah (The Clear Proof)
099: Zilzaal (The Earthquake)
100: 'Aadi-yaat (The Coursers)
101: 'Al-Qaari-'ah (The Calamity)
102: Takaasur (Rivalry in Worldly Increase)
103: 'Asr (The Declining Day)
104: Humazah (The Traducer)
105: Fil (The Elephant)
106: Quraysh ('Winter' or 'Qureysh')
107: Maa-'uun (Small Kindness)
108: Kawsar (Abundance)
109: Kaafiruun (The Disbelievers)
110: Nasr (Soccour)
111: Lahab (Palm Fibre)
112: 'Ikhlaas (The Unity)
113: Falaq (The Daybreak)
114: Naas (Mankind)
Let us pray (Sura 20, Ayat 114) 'Ya Rabbi Zidni Ilma!' ('O Lord! Increase me in knowledge.') and seek spiritual help (ta'yid) to understand our great faith.
Credits: Islamic Computing Center for providing the ASCII texts of the translations and Salmanspiritual.com for developing an interactive version.