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"Lo! the righteous verily are in delight, On couches, gazing, Thou wilt know in their faces the radiance of delight." — Holy Qur'an 83:22-24


Holy Quran Verses from Pickthall's Translation

Surah Maryam: Mary

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

019.001 Kaf. Ha. Ya. A'in. Sad.
019.002 A mention of the mercy of thy Lord unto His servant Zachariah.
019.003 When he cried unto his Lord a cry in secret,
019.004 Saying: My Lord! Lo! the bones of me wax feeble and my head is shining with grey hair, and I have never been unblest in prayer to Thee, my Lord.
019.005 Lo! I fear my kinsfolk after me, since my wife is barren. Oh, give me from Thy presence a successor
019.006 Who shall inherit of me and inherit (also) of the house of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, acceptable (unto Thee).
019.007 (It was said unto him): O Zachariah! Lo! We bring thee tidings of a son whose name is John; we have given the same name to none before (him).
019.008 He said: My Lord! How can I have a son when my wife is barren and I have reached infirm old age?
019.009 He said: So (it will be). Thy Lord saith: It is easy for Me, even as I created thee before, when thou wast naught.
019.010 He said: My Lord! Appoint for me some token. He said: Thy token is that thou, with no bodily defect, shalt not speak unto mankind three nights.
019.011 Then he came forth unto his people from the sanctuary, and signified to them: Glorify your Lord at break of day and fall of night.
019.012 (And it was said unto his son): O John! Hold fast the Scripture. And we gave him wisdom when a child,
019.013 And compassion from Our presence, and purity; and he was devout,
019.014 And dutiful toward his parents. And he was not arrogant, rebellious.
019.015 Peace on him the day he was born, and the day he dieth and the day he shall be raised alive!
019.016 And make mention of Mary in the Scripture, when she had withdrawn from her people to a chamber looking East,
019.017 And had chosen seclusion from them. Then We sent unto her Our Spirit and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man.
019.018 She said: Lo! I seek refuge in the Beneficent One from thee, if thou art God-fearing.
019.019 He said: I am only a messenger of thy Lord, that I may bestow on thee a faultless son.
019.020 She said: How can I have a son when no mortal hath touched me, neither have I been unchaste?
019.021 He said: So (it will be). Thy Lord saith: It is easy for Me. And (it will be) that We may make of him a revelation for mankind and a mercy from Us, and it is a thing ordained.
019.022 And she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a far place.
019.023 And the pangs of childbirth drove her unto the trunk of the palm-tree. She said: Oh, would that I had died ere this and had become a thing of naught, forgotten!
019.024 Then (one) cried unto her from below her, saying: Grieve not! Thy Lord hath placed a rivulet beneath thee,
019.025 And shake the trunk of the palm-tree toward thee, thou wilt cause ripe dates to fall upon thee.
019.026 So eat and drink and be consoled. And if thou meetest any mortal, say: Lo! I have vowed a fast unto the Beneficent, and may not speak this day to any mortal.
019.027 Then she brought him to her own folk, carrying him. They said: O Mary! Thou hast come with an amazing thing.
019.028 O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a wicked man nor was thy mother a harlot.
019.029 Then she pointed to him. They said: How can we talk to one who is in the cradle, a young boy?
019.030 He spake: Lo! I am the slave of Allah. He hath given me the Scripture and hath appointed me a Prophet,
019.031 And hath made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and hath enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I remain alive,
019.032 And (hath made me) dutiful toward her who bore me, and hath not made me arrogant, unblest.
019.033 Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!
019.034 Such was Jesus, son of Mary: (this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt.
019.035 It befitteth not (the Majesty of) Allah that He should take unto Himself a son. Glory be to Him! When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is.
019.036 And lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him. That is the right path.
019.037 The sects among them differ: but woe unto the disbelievers from the meeting of an awful Day.
019.038 See and hear them on the Day they come unto Us! yet the evil-doers are to-day in error manifest.
019.039 And warn them of the Day of anguish when the case hath been decided. Now they are in a state of carelessness, and they believe not.
019.040 Lo! We, only We, inherit the earth and all who are thereon, and unto Us they are returned.
019.041 And make mention (O Muhammad) in the Scripture of Abraham. Lo! he was a saint, a prophet.
019.042 When he said unto his father: O my father! Why worshippest thou that which heareth not nor seeth, nor can in aught avail thee?
019.043 O my father! Lo! there hath come unto me of knowledge that which came not unto thee. So follow me, and I will lead thee on a right path.
019.044 O my father! Serve not the devil. Lo! the devil is a rebel unto the Beneficent.
019.045 O my father! Lo! I fear lest a punishment from the Beneficent overtake thee so that thou become a comrade of the devil.
019.046 He said: Rejectest thou my gods, O Abraham? If thou cease not, I shall surely stone thee. Depart from me a long while!
019.047 He said: Peace be unto thee! I shall ask forgiveness of my Lord for thee. Lo! He was ever gracious unto me.
019.048 I shall withdraw from you and that unto which ye pray beside Allah, and I shall pray unto my Lord. It may be that, in prayer unto my Lord, I shall not be unblest.
019.049 So, when he had withdrawn from them and that which they were worshipping beside Allah, We gave him Isaac and Jacob. Each of them We made a prophet.
019.050 And we gave them of Our mercy, and assigned to them a high and true renown.
019.051 And make mention in the Scripture of Moses. Lo! he was chosen, and he was a messenger (of Allah), a prophet.
019.052 We called him from the right slope of the Mount, and brought him nigh in communion.
019.053 And We bestowed upon him of Our mercy his brother Aaron, a prophet (likewise).
019.054 And make mention in the Scripture of Ishmael. Lo! he was a keeper of his promise, and he was a messenger (of Allah), a prophet.
019.055 He enjoined upon his people worship and almsgiving, and was acceptable in the sight of his Lord.
019.056 And make mention in the Scripture of Idris. Lo! he was a saint, a prophet;
019.057 And We raised him to high station.
019.058 These are they unto whom Allah showed favour from among the prophets, of the seed of Adam and of those whom We carried (in the ship) with Noah, and of the seed of Abraham and Israel, and from among those whom We guided and chose. When the revelations of the Beneficent were recited unto them, they fell down, adoring and weeping.
019.059 Now there hath succeeded them a later generation whom have ruined worship and have followed lusts. But they will meet deception.
019.060 Save him who shall repent and believe and do right. Such will enter the Garden, and they will not be wronged in aught -
019.061 Gardens of Eden, which the Beneficent hath promised to His slaves in the unseen. Lo! His promise is ever sure of fulfilment -
019.062 They hear therein no idle talk, but only Peace; and therein they have food for morn and evening.
019.063 Such is the Garden which We cause the devout among Our bondmen to inherit.
019.064 We (angels) come not down save by commandment of thy Lord. Unto Him belongeth all that is before us and all that is behind us and all that is between those two, and thy Lord was never forgetful -
019.065 Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them! Therefor, worship thou Him and be thou steadfast in His service. Knowest thou one that can be named along with Him?
019.066 And man saith: When I am dead, shall I forsooth be brought forth alive?
019.067 Doth not man remember that We created him before, when he was naught?
019.068 And, by thy Lord, verily We shall assemble them and the devils, then We shall bring them, crouching, around hell.
019.069 Then We shall pluck out from every sect whichever of them was most stubborn in rebellion to the Beneficent.
019.070 And surely We are Best Aware of those most worthy to be burned therein.
019.071 There is not one of you but shall approach it. That is a fixed ordinance of thy Lord.
019.072 Then We shall rescue those who kept from evil, and leave the evil-doers crouching there.
019.073 And when Our clear revelations are recited unto them, those who disbelieve say unto those who believe: Which of the two parties (yours or ours) is better in position, and more imposing as an army?
019.074 How many a generation have We destroyed before them, who were more imposing in respect of gear and outward seeming!
019.075 Say: As for him who is in error, the Beneficent will verily prolong his span of life until, when they behold that which they were promised, whether it be punishment (in the world), or the Hour (of doom), they will know who is worse in position and who is weaker as an army.
019.076 Allah increaseth in right guidance those who walk aright, and the good deeds which endure are better in thy Lord's sight for reward, and better for resort.
019.077 Hast thou seen him who disbelieveth in Our revelations and saith: Assuredly I shall be given wealth and children?
019.078 Hath he perused the Unseen, or hath he made a pact with the Beneficent?
019.079 Nay, but We shall record that which he saith and prolong for him a span of torment.
019.080 And We shall inherit from him that whereof he spake, and he will come unto Us, alone (without his wealth and children).
019.081 And they have chosen (other) gods beside Allah that they may be a power for them.
019.082 Nay, but they will deny their worship of them, and become opponents unto them.
019.083 Seest thou not that We have set the devils on the disbelievers to confound them with confusion?
019.084 So make no haste against them (O Muhammad). We do but number unto them a sum (of days).
019.085 On the day when We shall gather the righteous unto the Beneficent, a goodly company.
019.086 And drive the guilty unto hell, a weary herd,
019.087 They will have no power of intercession, save him who hath made a covenant with his Lord.
019.088 And they say: The Beneficent hath taken unto Himself a son.
019.089 Assuredly ye utter a disastrous thing
019.090 Whereby almost the heavens are torn, and the earth is split asunder and the mountains fall in ruins,
019.091 That ye ascribe unto the Beneficent a son,
019.092 When it is not meet for (the Majesty of) the Beneficent that He should choose a son.
019.093 There is none in the heavens and the earth but cometh unto the Beneficent as a slave.
019.094 Verily He knoweth them and numbereth them with (right) numbering.
019.095 And each one of them will come unto Him on the Day of Resurrection, alone.
019.096 Lo! those who believe and do good works, the Beneficent will appoint for them love.
019.097 And We make (this Scripture) easy in thy tongue, (O Muhammad) only that thou mayst bear good tidings therewith unto those who ward off (evil), and warn therewith the froward folk.
019.098 And how many a generation before them have We destroyed! Canst thou (Muhammad) see a single man of them, or hear from them the slightest sound?


Let us pray (Sura 20, Ayat 114) 'Ya Rabbi Zidni Ilma!' ('O Lord! Increase me in knowledge.') and seek spiritual help (ta'yid) to understand our great faith.


Credits: Islamic Computing Center for providing the ASCII texts of the translations and Salmanspiritual.com for developing an interactive version.