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"And We verily gave Moses and Aaron the Criterion (of right and wrong) and a light and a Reminder for those who keep from evil." — Holy Qur'an 21:48


Holy Quran Verses from Pickthall's Translation

Surah Takwiir: The Overthrowing

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

081.001 When the sun is overthrown,
081.002 And when the stars fall,
081.003 And when the hills are moved,
081.004 And when the camels big with young are abandoned,
081.005 And when the wild beasts are herded together,
081.006 And when the seas rise,
081.007 And when souls are reunited,
081.008 And when the girl-child that was buried alive is asked
081.009 For what sin she was slain,
081.010 And when the pages are laid open,
081.011 And when the sky is torn away,
081.012 And when hell is lighted,
081.013 And when the Garden is brought nigh,
081.014 (Then) every soul will know what it hath made ready.
081.015 Oh, but I call to witness the planets,
081.016 The stars which rise and set,
081.017 And the close of night,
081.018 And the breath of morning
081.019 That this is in truth the word of an honoured messenger,
081.020 Mighty, established in the presence of the Lord of the Throne,
081.021 (One) to be obeyed, and trustworthy;
081.022 And your comrade is not mad.
081.023 Surely he beheld Him on the clear horizon.
081.024 And he is not avid of the Unseen.
081.025 Nor is this the utterance of a devil worthy to be stoned.
081.026 Whither then go ye?
081.027 This is naught else than a reminder unto creation,
081.028 Unto whomsoever of you willeth to walk straight.
081.029 And ye will not, unless (it be) that Allah willeth, the Lord of Creation.


Let us pray (Sura 20, Ayat 114) 'Ya Rabbi Zidni Ilma!' ('O Lord! Increase me in knowledge.') and seek spiritual help (ta'yid) to understand our great faith.


Credits: Islamic Computing Center for providing the ASCII texts of the translations and Salmanspiritual.com for developing an interactive version.