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"Then those who believe in him, and honour him, and help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him: they are the successful." — Holy Qur'an 7:157


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Anant Akhado Verses, Gratitude Tasbi & Angelic Salwat for Day 84
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023

Part 1: Audio, Transliteration and Translation of Anant Akhado

Verses For Day 84

Recited by Shafiq Rawji

Āshāji Narsi rupē dānav māryā
bhagat Pelāj ugāryāji
karta jugmāhē chār avtāraj kidhā
kidhā so sri nārāyan
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord In the form of Nar-sinh, the Lord killed the demon
and saved pious Pahelaaj
The Lord was compelled to take four
manifestations in the Kartaa-jug
and He was Sri Naaraayann (the Lord)
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji avtārē avtārē narji āvyā
āvyā tē bhagtonē kājēji
rakhisar ghēr sri kāyam sāmi
krod pā(n)chēsu(n) Pelāj tāryā
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord The Lord has taken manifestations upon manifestations
to fulfil the deeds of the pious momins
The homes of the devotees are blessed
by the presence of Sri Kaayam (the everliving)
Five crore souls got salvation as a result of
the promise (kol) granted to the pious Pahelaaj
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji Vāyaman rupē thayā ho sāmi
sohi tu(n)hi avtārji
partak pātra sohi bhanie
Sri Islāmshāh āp
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord You took the manifestation of a dwarf
He is indeed Your manifestation
We know You as the everpresent manifestation
You are Sri Islam Shah at present
(at the time of the composition of these verses)
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji Balrājānē pātārē ghālyo
evā tē kidhā kāmji
bhakatoni vārē sāmiji āvyā
āvyā tē āpohi āp
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord You pushed king Bal into the undersurface of the earth
such were your (miraculous) deeds
The Lord came to the rescue of the pious momins
and he came spontaneously
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji Kamlādhēn bhagat tāryā
kidhā tē bhagatonā kāmji
bal chā(m)pinē bhagat tāryā
nākhyā chhotē pātār
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord The Lord gave salvation to the pious Kamla-den
and so He performed the (wonderous) work for pious momins
He pressed Bal and saved the pious momins
and forced him into the forth undersurface
(and forced him into the undersurface as His fourth step)
Hari You are eternal; ........................


Part 2: Gratitude to our 'Spiritual Mother', Pir Hasan Kabirdin (r.a.), for his Ginans & Granths

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Shukhran Lillâh Wal Hamdu Lillâh:
All thanks are due to Allâh, and all praises are due to Allâh

Recited by Noorallah Juma

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!


Part 3: Angelic Salwat Nazrana

Let us now start presenting a nazrana of angelic salwats to our beloved NOOR Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam for blessings, guidance and empowerment for the fulfillment of our noble wishes. May our beloved Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam continually keep us on the Right Path. Ameen.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Allâhumâ salli alâ Muhammadin wa âle Muhammad:
O Allah! Bestow Peace on and through Muhammad and his Descendants

33 beads recited by Noorallah Juma


101 beads recited by Noorallah Juma

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!


Part 4: Global Prayers and Three Grand Aspirations
Through the barakat of recitation of Anant Akhado, gratitude tasbi and angelic salwat by many individuals of the global Jamat, O Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam, bless the global Jamat with:

  1. Spiritual and luminous tayid (help) to advance materially, spiritually and intellectually;
  2. Sunshine in our spiritual hearts and actualization of the inner vision of the Truth;
  3. Empowerment to present a Material Nazrana of time, knowledge and financial resources;
  4. Empowerment to present a Spiritual Nazrana in the form of a pure heart which is in a state of constant dhikr; and
  5. Empowerment to present a Luminous Nazrana in the form of a sound heart (qalb-i salim) which is in a state of constant dhikr and enlightenment.


Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)


Anant Akhado, Gratitude Dhikr and Angelic Salwat Recitals:
Schedule | Niyat and Prayer List | Salwat Article | All Anant Akhado Resources | Holy Ginans Treasury


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