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"And as for those whose faces have been whitened, in the mercy of Allah they dwell for ever." — Holy Qur'an 3:107


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Anant Akhado Verses, Gratitude Tasbi & Angelic Salwat for Day 66
Friday, Mar. 7, 2025

Part 1: Audio, Transliteration and Translation of Anant Akhado

Verses For Day 66

Recited by Shafiq Rawji

Āshāji pachhē so jiv duniyāmā(n)hē āvyā
satpa(n)th maragē chālēji
hinākhinā kahi jiv hoshē
māt thai tamē tāro
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord Then the souls come into the world
and walk on the True Path
There will be amongst them lower and higher ones
by becoming their mother save them all
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji māt tāt to tamnē jānu(n)
avar na jānu(n) koiji
amāru mastak tamarē hāth
jyā(n) nākho tyā(n) thāe
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord I regard you as a mother and a father
and I do not know anybody else
My head (life) is in your hands (you have control over it)
wherever you place it, it will go
(My life progresses in whatever direction you wish)
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji mustak didhā kiu(n) so dhāvē
kiā sojānē bālji
nānu(n) bālak tē shu(n) samjē
māt thainē tamē tāro
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord How is the head (life) that you have given going to suckle
what does a baby know
What does a small child understand
by becoming it's mother save it
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji bār varas to bārak rahēshē
tē Alyjinē hāthēji
tyā(n) lagi māt tāt khavrāvē
sohi Aly tamhi tāro
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord For twelve years a child will remain a child
and he will be in the hands of Ali (under His control)
Until that period the father and mother will feed it
You are the same Ali save it
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji māt tātnē māhā ba(n)dhav
anē bharthār pan tu(n)hi(n)ji
amārā sāmu(n) nav juo
thāo sarvē jān
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord You are our father, mother and elder of family
and you are also my Husband (Lord)
Do not look at us (at our errors)
and become everything to us
Hari You are eternal; ........................


Part 2: Gratitude to our 'Spiritual Mother', Pir Hasan Kabirdin (r.a.), for his Ginans & Granths

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Shukhran Lillâh Wal Hamdu Lillâh:
All thanks are due to Allâh, and all praises are due to Allâh

Recited by Noorallah Juma

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!


Part 3: Angelic Salwat Nazrana

Let us now start presenting a nazrana of angelic salwats to our beloved NOOR Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam for blessings, guidance and empowerment for the fulfillment of our noble wishes. May our beloved Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam continually keep us on the Right Path. Ameen.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Allâhumâ salli alâ Muhammadin wa âle Muhammad:
O Allah! Bestow Peace on and through Muhammad and his Descendants

33 beads recited by Noorallah Juma


101 beads recited by Noorallah Juma

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!


Part 4: Global Prayers and Three Grand Aspirations
Through the barakat of recitation of Anant Akhado, gratitude tasbi and angelic salwat by many individuals of the global Jamat, O Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam, bless the global Jamat with:

  1. Spiritual and luminous tayid (help) to advance materially, spiritually and intellectually;
  2. Sunshine in our spiritual hearts and actualization of the inner vision of the Truth;
  3. Empowerment to present a Material Nazrana of time, knowledge and financial resources;
  4. Empowerment to present a Spiritual Nazrana in the form of a pure heart which is in a state of constant dhikr; and
  5. Empowerment to present a Luminous Nazrana in the form of a sound heart (qalb-i salim) which is in a state of constant dhikr and enlightenment.


Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)


Anant Akhado, Gratitude Dhikr and Angelic Salwat Recitals:
Schedule | Niyat and Prayer List | Salwat Article | All Anant Akhado Resources | Holy Ginans Treasury


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