e-Resources on Salman Spiritual
Empowering Your Personal Search for Higher Spiritual Enlightenment
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"Allah guideth him who seeketh His good pleasure unto paths of peace. He bringeth them out of darkness unto light by His decree, and guideth them unto a straight path." — Holy Qur'an 5:16


Transliteration and Literal Translation of Pir Hasan Kabirdin's Moti Venti

Verses For Day 4

Recited by Shafiq Rawji

Eji sāmi avgun amatanā ma juo
amē chie gunēhgār
chhēdo nā(n)khinē sāmi dhā(n)kjo
hu(n) chhu(n) bāar ku(n)vār
mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā
abarā sharan tamāri ............................................
0 Lord, Look not to my failings
for I am a sinful being.
O Lord, cover my shortcomings with a veil.
I am an innocent, untouched maiden.

Have mercy on me, my Lord.
I am helpless and dependent on you. ........................

Eji sāmi mā bāp amanē janamyā
so(m)piyā tamārē shāran
havē hāth zālyāni lājā ānajo
taro tamē tāranhār
mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā
abarā sharan tamāri ............................................
0 Lord, My parents gave me birth,
and have handed me over to you.
Now take me in your care and protection
and grant me salvation, O Lord.

Have mercy on me, my Lord.
I am helpless and dependent on you. ........................

Eji sāmiji nāriyu(n) tāmāri ati ghāni
muj sarikhi lakho lakh
tamē chho alak niri(n)jan
amē chhiē dhuri khāk
mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā
abarā sharan tamāri ............................................
0 Lord, Your (spiritual) maidens are innumerable.
There are hundred of thousands like me.
You are the Unknowable (Alakh), the Unseen (Niranjan)
While we are as insignificant as dust.

Have mercy on me, my Lord.
I am helpless and dependent on you. ........................

Eji sāmi hāth zālyani lāj ānajo
alakh lakhāvo tamē premno par
prit karinē amanē paranjo
amē chie gunēhgar
mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā
abarā sharan tamāri ............................................
0 Lord, Now that you have held my hand, preserve my honour.
0 Unknowable One, tell me, what is the intensity of love?
Show me your affection and marry me spiritually,
although I am sinful.

Have mercy on me, my Lord.
I am helpless and dependent on you. ........................

Eji bharjoban maru(n) āviyu(n)
sāmi eklā nahi rahēvāya
bahār javāno eba chhē
nikāh kari parano ho rāya
mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā
abarā sharan tamāri ............................................
0 Lord, Now that I have reached a mature (spiritual) stage,
I cannot live alone.
I even cannot go about without inviting gossip.
0 Lord, pronounce the vows and marry me spiritually.

Have mercy on me, my Lord.
I am helpless and dependent on you. ........................



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