"And he for whom Allah hath not appointed light, for him there is no light." — Holy Qur'an 24:40
Transliteration and Literal Translation of Pir Hasan Kabirdin's Moti Venti
Eji | Ādam ād niri(n)jan nargun āpē arup asal amārā sāmi tamē judā padiyā thai rup mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ā ............................................ |
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0 Lord, | In the beginning, You were Unseen (Niranjan), Attributeless (Nargun) and Formless (Arup). 0 Master, from Thee alone is my origin. By taking a physical form, I have been separated from Thee.
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
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Eji | anant jug amnē vahi gayā rup dhartā āviyā vēnti kartā amnē bhav thayā sāmi tamē jod jodāvo mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ............................................ |
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0 Lord, | Innumerable (countless) ages have passed during which I have taken different forms. Ages have passed in supplication. O Lord, I beg to reunite with you.
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
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Eji | sunkāl māhē sāmi anat chalatra kidhā niri(n)jan rupē ramiyā junā jogi vila(m)ba shu(n) karo rahēsho kētlu(n)k sāmi mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ............................................ |
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0 Lord, | In the void, you performed endless miracles. You accomplished these wonders when you were Unseen (Niri(n)jan). 0 Ancient Spiritual Master (Jogi), why do you delay our union? O Lord, how long will you remain separated from me?
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
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Eji | sol thad māhē sami tamē ramat kari tēnā shu(n) karu(n) vakhān tē dinni vinti am tani sāmi tamē dharjo kān mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ............................................ |
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0 Lord, | How can I sing the praises of the awesome marvels you have accomplished in creating the cosmos. Consider my supplications of that day. 0 Lord, fulfill my wishes.
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
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Eji | dha(n)dhukār mā(n)hē niri(n)jan rupē sāmi tamē dhyānaj dharyā jēnē jumalē tamanē jāniyā tē munivarnē tamē variyā mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ............................................ |
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0 Lord, | In the void, you were Unseen (Niri(n)jan), and you took good care of me. Amongst the multitude who recognized you, you immensely loved the devotees.
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
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