"Allah would not place a burden on you, but He would purify you and would perfect His grace upon you, that ye may give thanks." — Holy Qur'an 5:6
Transliteration and Literal Translation of Pir Hasan Kabirdin's Moti Venti
Verses For Day 2
Eji | hēl bhari sāmi amē āviyā sāmi amāri hēl utāro rakhē pāchhi hēl fēravo bakhsho dosh hamara mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ............................................ |
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0 Lord, | I have come with my soul (symbolized by water-pot) with the fullest hope, and with the plea to accept the wishes of my soul and fulfill my desires. Let not my soul (water-pot) be rejected, (i.e. union denied). 0 Lord, forgive my short comings.
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
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Eji | chhēdo nā(n)khinē sāmi dhā(n)kajo avgun am tanā āya amē to abarā ādhin chhu(n) lajā tamāri ho rāya mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ............................................ |
9 |
0 Lord, | Put a veil over my wrongs, And conceal my numerous faults and failures. I am sinful and weak. My honour, 0 Lord is due to you.
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
9 |
Eji | sāmi hu(n) ashva(n)ti ana(n)t jug tani suno ho tribhovar rāya bhar joban māro āviyo havē amē rahēsu(n) lajāi mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ............................................ |
10 |
0 Lord, | I have been full of yearning for countless ages, 0 the Master of the three kingdoms please listen to my prayer. I have now attained maturity, and I shall be truly disgraced, if I am not united with you.
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
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Eji | char jugmā(n) anant rupē hu(n) fari nikāh toya na thāya nikāh pado mārā nāthji mahēr karo jādurāya mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ............................................ |
11 |
0 Lord, | I have roamed in innumerable forms over the four ages, yet I have not been united with you. Sanctify our union, my Lord, look upon me with mercy.
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
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Eji | sāmi amē ekli kētalik rahu(n) din duāgmā(n)hē jāya duāg tārinē sāmi suhāg karo lajā rākho chaud bhamannā rāya mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ............................................ |
12 |
0 Lord, | How long shall I remain alone? Everyday is passed in a state of being spiritually unwed (dohag). I beseech you, my Master, make me your (spiritual) bride (sohag) and banish my loneliness. Protect my honour, 0 Master of fourteen universes.
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
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Eji | māt tāt bēni ba(n)dhavā nathi rākhati koy sharan tamārē āvi hu(n) rahi lajā tamāri ho rāya mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ............................................ |
13 |
0 Lord, | My parents, brothers and sisters do not accept me in the home (i.e., I physically detached). I have come to Thee for shelter, succor and protection. Now my honour lies with you.
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
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Eji | sāmi lāj amāre jo jāyashe to khot bēsashe tamanē jārē mijlas mēlāvo karsho tārē arukhadi ma karsho amnē mahēr karo morā sā(n)hiyā abarā sharan tamāri ............................................ |
14 |
0 Lord, | If I lose my honour, the loss will be indeed yours. When there is an assembly of souls, do not put me to shame.
Have mercy on me, my Lord. |
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