e-Resources on Salman Spiritual
Empowering Your Personal Search for Higher Spiritual Enlightenment
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"On the day when thou (Muhammad) wilt see the believers, men and women, their light shining forth before them and on their right hands." — Holy Qur'an 57:12


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Vimeo Video Number 7



"Allah is the Protecting Guardian of those who believe. He bringeth them out of darkness into light." — Holy Qur'an 2:257


Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)

Peace, light, barakat, tayid and a batini-noorani Didar,
Noorallah Juma

Vimeo Videos: