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"Allah would not place a burden on you, but He would purify you and would perfect His grace upon you, that ye may give thanks." — Holy Qur'an 5:6


Transliteration and Literal Translation of Selected Dasond Verses from Pir Hasan Kabirdin's Anant Akhado

Verses For Day 1
Āshāji dio daso(n)d nē Alynē sēvo
to man kariyo vadhāiyu(n)ji
to mahādan tamnē doyalo na lāgē
bēso shahpirnē pās
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord Observe the tithe and worship (serve) your Imam
then your mind will become magnanimous
Then on the Day of reckoning you will not feel the
burden of trials and tribulations (you will be shielded)
and you will be sitting in the presence of the Lord
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji thud daso(n)d nē muaraj dharam
fal tē munivar jānoji
hāl vāykē gatmā(n)hē gujāro
to poho(n)chē gurnarnē hāth
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord The tithe is the trunk and the roots are the religion
and the fruits are the momins
Offer prayers in the prayer house
so that they will reach the hands of Gur Nar
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji pa(n)chmi bāri daso(n)dni kahie
tē sahuthi moti jānoji
tē mā(n)hē tamē raho hushiyār
to rahēsho gurnarnē sāth
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord The fifth gateway is created by observance of the tithe
know it as the biggest one
Remain intelligent and alert in this aspect
then you will constantly be with the Shah-Pir
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji gurgat ga(n)gāmā(n)hē amēj bēthā
partak gurnar avtārji
kamāvo jē tamāri roji
tē mā(n)hēthi daso(n)d ālo
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord We are entirely present in the Gur-Gat-Gangaa (Jamatkhana)
and we are the everpresent Manifestation of the Lord
in the form of Gur-Nar (Shah-Pir)
earn your livelihood (daily bread)
and from it submit the tithe
Hari You are eternal; ........................

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, All Verses