e-Resources on Salman Spiritual
Empowering Your Personal Search for Higher Spiritual Enlightenment
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"And We verily gave Moses and Aaron the Criterion (of right and wrong) and a light and a Reminder for those who keep from evil." — Holy Qur'an 21:48


Recitation of Anant Akhado, Anant Naa Nav Chhuga, Gratitude Dhikr, and Angelic Salwat for Being Blessed with Higher Spiritual Enlightenment

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Anant Akhado & Nav Chhuga, Gratitude Dhikr, & Angelic Salwat for Day 2
Friday, Jan. 3, 2025


Part 1: Audio, Transliteration and Translation of Pir Hasan Kabirdin's Anant Akhado

Verses For Day 2

Recited by Shafiq Rawji

Āshāji tētris karod dēvgur birmājikē sāthē
tē har har karinē dharm dhiyāyāji
pā(n)ch lākhsu Ishvar gorakh bhanie
tē sighanie nād purāvē
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord Thirty three crore liberated souls will be with
Prophet Muhammed (light of Nabuwwah)
they worshipped the name of har (Ali)
Lord Gorakh taught five hundred thousand
by calling through the vocal instrument
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji Ishvar bharmā maesar bhanie
pir pēgāmbar sarvē āvēji
ana(n)t karodi dēv surnar malshē
jahēr chadshē shāh rath
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord Understand the Lord as Ishwara, Brama, Maheshvar
The Peers, the Prophets and Peer Sadardin are together
Infinite crore divine spirits will meet
In the open the Lord will mount the war chariot
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji ajkal vārē bār karod
te satgur sohdēv sāthēji
jo jānē to mēlā mēlāvo
to gnān vicharinē chāloji
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord The twelve crore souls of the present period
will be with Satgur Sohodev (Pir Sadardin)
Those who realise (know, understand) this, get together
and conduct yourselves by reflecting upon the ginaans
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji dharam putra sathē nav karod
te svāmijinē duvārē āvēji
Arjan lākh chhtrisē marshē
chālis lākhē Bhim jānoji
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord There will be nine crore souls with Yudhishthar
who will come in presence of the lord
Arjun will meet (liberate) thirty six lakhs (3,600,000)
Forty lakhs (4,000,000) will be with Bhim
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji chaud lākhsu(n) Sohdēv marshē
Nakur tē pantris lākhēji
surānar tyā(n) mēlā māhē marshē
kirtār bharan bharēshē
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord Fourteen lakhs (ruhanis) will meet Sohdev
and thirty five lakhs will be with Nakul
All the devoted spirits and souls will meet at the
and the Creator will fulfil all the wishes
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji navānu(n) karod tyā(n) jakhaj marshē
chhpan karod tyā(n) mēghāji
māhdin shāh mēlā milāvshē
jāgē kinar karod batris
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord Ninety nine crore jakhs will be present
and fifty six crore megs will be there
On the great day the Lord will arrange a gathering
and thirty two crore kinars will awaken
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji ek lākh nē adhār karod
tē narvar har sa(n)ghārēji
e(n)si lākh gajāgēmar gun
em shāh parav savārē
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord One lakh and eighteen crore (evil spirits)
will be destroyed by the Lord
Eighty lakh haughty elephants will vibrate
That is how the manifestation of the Lord will invade
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji e(n)si karod unth samar chālshē
chatur lākh chārādhāriji
sapt lākh nisān julēshē
boliya bol shāh pārē
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord An army or procession of eighty crore camels will move
(together with) one lakh clever grazing animals
Sixty lakh flag bearing animals will throb
The Lord will maintain His promise
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji chosath lākh dal dēvinā marshē
auth karod jinbhutji
rue rue bhākhēā gan man padshē
shāh navi navi shēsti rachāyē
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord Sixty four lakh Divine armies will meet
the eight crore evil spirits
Every detail of that which has been predicted by the
group of forty seers will be realised
The Lord will create ever new universes
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji rav chhāyā rav suraj chhapshē
ochhā nir nadiyēji
ha(n)sājinā rājā karo piānā
navsho chhamchhra adkā gayā
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord The sun will be covered by dusty clouds
and the flow of water in the rivers will be less
The King of all souls please have mercy
Nine hundred eras have gone quickly
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji nāg loknu(n) sēn vakānu(n)
nu karod parsāgāji
tāro a(n)t na jānē koi
āgam nira(n)jan sāchā
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord (Even) The army (procession) of the people's snakes is
Ninety two crore (souls) were with you
Nobody can fathom your limits
You are the foremost and truely formless (in your
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji ragtā pēchā, karasnā, sētā
cho varanā jug huāji
avar ra(n)g tērā bahu chhājē
ismē(n)thi chār sujātā
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord Red, yellow, black & white
There have been four ages represented by the four
colours (each with distinct habits and social customs)
You have many other colours which are beautiful
Hari You are eternal; ........................
Āshāji kaljugmā(n)hē bahu pākha(n)d vāpiyā
tismā(n)he hoyasē nivēdāji
kalmā(n)hē kāyam kālingo sa(n)ghārshē
tis sir ehi akhādā
Hari ana(n)t ...................................
Oh Lord In the present age deceivers and cheaters thrive
At the same time there will be a settlement (accountability)
In the present era the Everliving (Lord) will be slay the demon
whose head will be the meeting place (battlefield)
Hari You are eternal; ........................


Part 2: Gratitude to our 'Spiritual Mother', Pir Hasan Kabirdin (r.a.), for his Ginans & Granths

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Shukhran Lillâh Wal Hamdu Lillâh:
All thanks are due to Allâh, and all praises are due to Allâh

Recited by Noorallah Juma

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!


Part 3: Angelic Salwat Nazrana

Let us now start presenting a nazrana of angelic salwats to our beloved NOOR Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam for blessings, guidance and empowerment for the fulfillment of our noble wishes. May our beloved Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam continually keep us on the Right Path. Ameen.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Allâhumâ salli alâ Muhammadin wa âle Muhammad:
O Allah! Bestow Peace on and through Muhammad and his Descendants

33 beads recited by Noorallah Juma


101 beads recited by Noorallah Juma

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!



Part 4: Global Prayers and Three Grand Aspirations
Through the barakat of recitation of Anant Akhado and Anant Nâ Nav Chhugâ, gratitude tasbi and angelic salwat by many individuals of the global Jamat, O Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam, bless the global Jamat with:

  1. Spiritual and luminous tayid (help) to advance materially, spiritually and intellectually;
  2. Sunshine in our spiritual hearts and actualization of the inner vision of the Truth;
  3. Empowerment to present a Material Nazrana of time, knowledge and financial resources;
  4. Empowerment to present a Spiritual Nazrana in the form of a pure heart which is in a state of constant dhikr; and
  5. Empowerment to present a Luminous Nazrana in the form of a sound heart (qalb-i salim) which is in a state of constant dhikr and enlightenment.


Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)


Anant Akhado & Nav Chhuga, Gratitude Dhikr and Angelic Salwat Recitals:
Schedule | Niyat and Prayer List | Salwat Article | All Anant Akhado Resources | Holy Ginans Treasury

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