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"But God will deliver them from the evil of that Day, and will shed over them a Light of Beauty and (blissful) Joy." — Holy Qur'an 76:11


Holy Quran Verses from Pickthall and Yusufali's Translations

Surah Gaashiyah: The Overwhelming

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Yusufali:    Has the story reached thee of the overwhelming (Event)?
Pickthall:   Hath there come unto thee tidings of the Overwhelming?
Yusufali:    Some faces, that Day, will be humiliated,
Pickthall:   On that day (many) faces will be downcast,
Yusufali:    Labouring (hard), weary,-
Pickthall:   Toiling, weary,
Yusufali:    The while they enter the Blazing Fire,-
Pickthall:   Scorched by burning fire,
Yusufali:    The while they are given, to drink, of a boiling hot spring,
Pickthall:   Drinking from a boiling spring,
Yusufali:    No food will there be for them but a bitter Dhari'
Pickthall:   No food for them save bitter thorn-fruit
Yusufali:    Which will neither nourish nor satisfy hunger.
Pickthall:   Which doth not nourish nor release from hunger.
Yusufali:    (Other) faces that Day will be joyful,
Pickthall:   In that day other faces will be calm,
Yusufali:    Pleased with their striving,-
Pickthall:   Glad for their effort past,
Yusufali:    In a Garden on high,
Pickthall:   In a high Garden
Yusufali:    Where they shall hear no (word) of vanity:
Pickthall:   Where they hear no idle speech,
Yusufali:    Therein will be a bubbling spring:
Pickthall:   Wherein is a gushing spring,
Yusufali:    Therein will be Thrones (of dignity), raised on high,
Pickthall:   Wherein are couches raised
Yusufali:    Goblets placed (ready),
Pickthall:   And goblets set at hand
Yusufali:    And cushions set in rows,
Pickthall:   And cushions ranged
Yusufali:    And rich carpets (all) spread out.
Pickthall:   And silken carpets spread.
Yusufali:    Do they not look at the Camels, how they are made?-
Pickthall:   Will they not regard the camels, how they are created?
Yusufali:    And at the Sky, how it is raised high?-
Pickthall:   And the heaven, how it is raised?
Yusufali:    And at the Mountains, how they are fixed firm?-
Pickthall:   And the hills, how they are set up?
Yusufali:    And at the Earth, how it is spread out?
Pickthall:   And the earth, how it is spread?
Yusufali:    Therefore do thou give admonition, for thou art one to admonish.
Pickthall:   Remind them, for thou art but a remembrancer,
Yusufali:    Thou art not one to manage (men's) affairs.
Pickthall:   Thou art not at all a warder over them.
Yusufali:    But if any turn away and reject God,-
Pickthall:   But whoso is averse and disbelieveth,
Yusufali:    God will punish him with a mighty Punishment,
Pickthall:   Allah will punish him with direst punishment.
Yusufali:    For to Us will be their return;
Pickthall:   Lo! unto Us is their return
Yusufali:    Then it will be for Us to call them to account.
Pickthall:   And Ours their reckoning.


Let us pray (Sura 20, Ayat 114) 'Ya Rabbi Zidni Ilma!' ('O Lord! Increase me in knowledge.') and seek spiritual help (ta'yid) to understand our great faith.


Credits: Islamic Computing Center for providing the ASCII texts of the translations and Salmanspiritual.com for developing an interactive version.