"And We verily gave Moses and Aaron the Criterion (of right and wrong) and a light and a Reminder for those who keep from evil." — Holy Qur'an 21:48
Holy Quran Verses from Yusufali's Translation
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
001.001 | Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the world; |
001.002 | Most Gracious, Most Merciful; |
001.003 | Master of the Day of Judgment. |
001.004 | Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. |
001.005 | Show us the straight way, |
001.006 | The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, |
001.007 | those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray. |
Let us pray (Sura 20, Ayat 114) 'Ya Rabbi Zidni Ilma!' ('O Lord! Increase me in knowledge.') and seek spiritual help (ta'yid) to understand our great faith.
Credits: Islamic Computing Center for providing the ASCII texts of the translations and Salmanspiritual.com for developing an interactive version.