"He it is Who sendeth down clear revelations unto His slave, that He may bring you forth from darkness unto light; and lo! for you, Allah is Full of Pity, Merciful." — Holy Qur'an 57:9
Glossary of Terms Used in the Shia Ismaili Muslim Literature
Transliteration |
Meaning |
alayhi s-salam/ alayha-s-salam (A.S.) |
Upon whom be peace |
amiru-l-mu'minin |
The Commander of the Faithful |
bayah |
Allegiance |
bismi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim |
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful |
hidayah |
Guidance from the Imam of the time |
Khatun-i-Jannat |
The Lady of Paradise |
la ilaha illa-llah |
There is no deity except Allah |
Muhammadur rasulu-llah |
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah |
murid |
Follower |
Muslim Ummah |
The universal brotherhood of Muslims |
Nashid al-Imamah |
Song in praise of the Imamat |
nass |
Designation |
sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam (S.A.S.) |
May Allah bless him and grant him peace |
shahadah |
The declaration of Faith |
ta'lim |
Teaching |
tariqah |
Persuasion, path, way in Faith |
tawhid |
Unity of Allah |
ta'wil |
Interpretation |